02 January 2013


This year seems to already have a little bit of ...oh, I don't know...MAGIC to it.  Maybe it's the fact that "13" IS my lucky number... Maybe it's the fact that I have FINALLY found inspiration in myself.  But whatever it is...I am EXCITED by it and about it.

With that being said...a list of my TOP 13 goals (in no particular order).  I know some of them may appear literal or a little simplistic, but they ARE goals and ones I haven't been able to acknowledge or pursue in a VERY long time.

First, there was THIS blog...I wanted to revamp the blog I started 3 years ago and refurbish it into something with a little more energy and fun.  (So far so good.)   ...AND to keep writing on it!

Second, I accomplished a big goal for me last year of reading 100 books and keeping track of them on Goodreads.com ...I have upped the ante this year to read 125!  As a writer it s important to read as well as write..so this IS a goal for me...but I also find reading calms my inner soul.  :)

Third,  I WILL write everyday...whether it is this blog, in my new notebook, or my journal...I WILL write!

Fourth, I AM going to accomplish working on the Challenges from 2 other blogs... The Create Every Day Challenge from the blog I spoke on last night AND the Photo a Day Challenge from Fatmumslim.com .

Fifth, I WILL finish researching my Family Trees on the Greeson / Summers sides...for it IS important to know where someone's roots began.  (Note to self:  Next year the Family trees of my Birthparents.)

Sixth, I WANT to reconnect with those friends with whom I like to craft with and add a few more friends to the bunch...to be more creative with our time together and more inventive with how we spend it and where we go...AND to document it for posterity because it's just FUN!  :)

Seventh, I AM going to restart my personal fitness goals and aim for a beginning goal of walking a 5K in October of this year...with eventually a goal of a 1/2 marathon next year.

Eighth, I WANT to travel more.  Mainly, I want to visit some of my family and friends who are spread out throughout this great country of ours...or settle on them visiting me.  :)  If there is one thing I realized in 2012 is that time is not our own and we NEED to make it count!

Ninth, I WANT to be more successful at selling Avon than I have been in the past month...That's right I am selling Avon as a side business...so I NEED to get more involved with it and get me Blog on their website up to par as well!  Obviously, since no one even really knew I was selling it!  LOL

Tenth, I want to TRY and do a random act of kindness EVERY DAY for someone else...whether it is a stranger or someone I know.  For you never know what someone is going thru and that ONE act might turn their whole day, world, or life around.  :)

Eleventh, I WILL find my true happiness in myself, in my life's work, and in my life in general.  I am on the lookout for those messages from the universe...but in the meantime...

Twelfth,  I WILL just keep thinking POSITIVE thoughts; keep moving FORWARD; and have a lot more FAITH in myself and in the world around me with a lot less fear.

And...Finally, my Thirteenth goal for 2013...to find INNER PEACE...because if I can find MY inner peace then MAYBE it will have the butterfly effect and MAYBE flourish into the energies of the world and EVENTUALLY...we can have WORLD PEACE?  I know THIS is a lofty goal...but one I will ALWAYS strive for...pray for...and hope for in my lifetime.  WE ALL should!

One last note:

I am blessed to live in a country that I CAN have such goals...where I CAN have an opinion and HAVE the freedom to speak that opinion and NOT be persecuted or shunned for it.  I live in an AMAZING country where I CAN be a unique, independent, strong-minded WOMAN and be treated with RESPECT and KINDNESS regardless of whether one agrees with me or not.  We all DESERVE that no matter gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or age...  I am BLESSED to have family and friends who Love, Cherish and Support me, even when I am at my worst in body, mind and soul.

So with that... I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart...You ALL know who you are... for every ounce of love, support, understanding, humor, HONESTY, and respect you have given me without expectations...for without you ALL in my life I would not be where I am today!  I am TRULY blessed and I try every day to return EXACTLY what you give me and then some.

So here's to a new year with new goals!  Be sure to make you own and remember if you don't achieve them...there is ALWAYS next year!  :)  LOL

Warmly yours, B

 @Copyright 2013 B Godfrey

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