01 January 2013


Welcome to my new blog!  :)

With the ending of 2012...a year not really worth remembering... I found myself on New Year's Eve alone and yet...  INSPIRED!!!   I could have sunk into my warm, cozy bed and awaited the coming of a new year with a lack of enthusiasm that one would almost expect...but instead...I EMBRACED all it's POTENTIAL and found MOTIVATION.   

A motivation mind you that has been dormant for a good 4 years now and on one dark cold New Year's Eve night EXPLODED from it's hibernation like those fireworks from around the world that signified the coming of 2013!

In the days prior to such a monumental moment...I found myself receiving an array of messages from the universe, but ESPECIALLY from the closest of friends.  It all began with a double reading of Tarot cards where my friend proceeded to tell me that 2013 was a year of reinventing myself...to reflect on the lessons of the past year...to look into doing several different things that intrigue and spark my imagination...to be creative...to find my groove again in the world and inside myself...to be open to the signs and messages the universe and those around me are giving me... and to actually listen.  SO...from THIS I began to observe, listen and make steps towards what I hope is to be an AMAZING year.

As I ventured into a long weekend away from the hustle and bustle of work, I was FINALLY able to quiet my mind; I found a sense of urgency in organizing my apartment and my life (so as to start the new year off on the right foot); and I couldn't stop "observing" through Facebook postings mostly...the FASCINATING and TRULY INSPIRING things that my friends and acquaintances had done in 2012 or were wanting to do in the coming year.

One artist friend posted how she accomplished painting a picture A DAY for the whole year...I thought,  "WOW!  What an accomplishment!  I could do that...be creative in some way EVERY DAY for a year." 

A close friend and beer blogger extraordinaire revisited his 2012 "goals" and what he managed to accomplish.  However, it wasn't until he posted today his 2013 "goals" that I remembered something my Grandmother said to me one New Year's Eve when I had experienced the toughest year in my life...
 "Reflect on the past...write it down...burn it in the present (at which we would put the papers into the fireplace)...and don't RESOLVE to make things better in the coming year, but make it a "GOAL" for you to pursue.  If you don't succeed, then try again the year after that.  But don't make resolutions for they only set you up for failure and goals can only push you to succeed."  So I am making GOALS this year and NOT resolutions.

Lastly, an author who I discovered this past year and read EVERYTHING she has written so far in a month! (and a strong woman who kicked cancer's ass!),  posted: "what are your 3 magic words for the coming year?"  She listed her 3...but it got me thinking of what my 3 would be...Hmmm... 

SO blog readers, friends and family... 2013 for me is a year of REFLECTION...  REINVENTION....and INSPIRATION.  In the words of Sarah Addison Allen,  "What 3 "magic" words are you going to choose for 2013? "  

Happy New Year!

@Copyright 2013 B Godfrey


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